Barack Obama is the most powerful and comprehensive voice for our country. He captures more voices than any present candidate and than any past leader.
Obama deserves to be the next president of the United States of America.
It is imperative that economists look at what has allowed the US to live "so far beyond its means...". Easy credit is a definite culprit, in the form of credit cards and home mortgages. Credit issuing institutions lure customers with quick and easy to obtain credit, misleading them about their true credit worthiness.
It is time for US regulators to ensure institutions provide the adequate and appropriate credit to consumers or else the US economy "might have to pay dearly now" and later again.
The integration of Latin America is imperative. The Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, proposes promising ideas for the integration of Latin America.
As of now, he's shown to be a leader of actions. If he continues on this path, while favoring democratic governance, Latin America is on the way to to a fruitful transformation.