Sunday, October 1

The Citgo Impulse

Are we objective about world issues,
including Latin America?

What are we trying to achieve with this
movement boycotting Citgo?

How well informed of the facts are the
members of this movement?

Editor's opinion: We're aching to find something to

feel united about in this country and many are
terribly misinformed. This site neither supports or
opposes the Chavez government. Its mission is to
push for much needed objectivity about world issues,
especially concerning Latin America.


Blogger Beerme said...

Edu Cate, huh?

How about you educate the public on how much money is being stolen by Venezuela's fearless leader, while he runs the state-gas/oil company into the ground?

Why would Hugo Chavez choose poor Americans (who would seem rich compared to your average poor Venezuelan) to give free gas and fuel oil to?

Some statistics (not skewed state-produced statistics that are "approved" by President Chavez):
* Total population: 23,000,000
* World’s 5th largest oil exporter, yet 80% of population in poverty
* Population making below $1 a day: 15%
* Unemployment rate: 17%
* 3 out of 10 Venezuelan children live in severe poverty
* 176,000 children are beggars
* 50% of children 0-6 years are undernourished
* 4.5 million children are in need: 48,000 are prostitutes, 600,000 left school, one million work
* Fewer than 50% complete secondary education
* There are 20,000 elementary schools and 2,000 secondary schools

There's plenty more to educate the public with, but I doubt you'll want to read it...

4:03 PM  
Blogger Beerme said...

Oh, and while Chavez wastes his oil resources on "poor" Americans,

"The World Bank has given Venezuela $89.4 million for the Primary Education Project, approved in 1994. Designed to support Venezuela’s poorest communities, it helps to develop education and reduce drop out rates. However, due to the amount of time that has passed, the donation given to Venezuela has been spent. Fortunately, charitable organizations like Chevron Texaco and the National Endowment for Democracy have donated $1.4 million and $1.0 million respectively. Hopefully with this support, Venezuela’s children will have a brighter future."-from Child Poverty in Venezuela

4:07 PM  
Blogger Editor said...

Mr. Beerme:

Good data but I think it's outdated. You see...US America is misinformed about Latin America.

The unemployment rate is actually about12% not 17%.

I'll leave it up to you to update the rest, but I'll help you with one more...population is 25 mill not 23

In the meantime here's this data:

The illiteracy rate for those 15 and older has fallen from 11.1% (1990) to 6.0% (2005)

The variation in prices has fallen from about 115% (1995) to about 15% (2005) Wow!

My aim is not to defend Chavez, just stick to the facts.

Why judge his presidency and not the past?

Here's a hint:

Being rich, a US kiss ass and white are factors to consider. Chavez doesn't fit this profile (I admit he may be rich now...)and it's why the press wants to bury him.

Lastly, your quote on the World Bank aid was for 1994? Chavez was elected in 1998.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Beerme said...

I think you're using the re-figured, official Chavez numbers, here. They are not reliable as they have been made up to show benefits that Chavez has not brought to his country.

Secondly, I don't think kissing the US's ass, being non-white or being rich has anything to do with Chavez's inability to do the right thing. He is wedded to an ideology that has been proven bankrupt, over and over again. The socialist paradise hasn't occurred yet in Russia, Cuba, China or anywhere else in nearly one hundred years, why do you people expect it now?

Finally those numbers are new, the World Bank aid was approved in 1994 but did not all arrive at that time. It was doled out over the course of years. The point is that ANY money given a tinpot distator will not find its way to the people...

3:52 PM  
Blogger Editor said...

Mr. Beerme:

Interesting point you make about the numbers. They're all from reliable sources, and not from a venezuelan site. Just do a little research and you'll get the right information.

But numbers don't matter when people have made up their minds. Once you've created a prejudice thought it's hard to be objective.

Unfortuately, it's happened here. You have been unable to give me one current and reliable source of information or rational explanation for your judgments about Chavez.

Here's an example of your misjudgment. You consider me a socialist when all I've done is been objective and state the facts. You could have been a Chavez supporter and I would have done the same.

My objective is to be fair when judging Latin America. Many people/governments have made terrible misjudgments about this region and it has led to thousands of ruined lifes...let's think for a little, when
- your family has been brutality killed and thrown off planes
- or local women are indiscriminately raped or men are tortured for information
-Maybe it's your crops or the local river that seem to be dying because planes are fumigating toxics over your land
-Perhaps, you're just unable to gather some money to feed your family and every day feels worse than hell.

Chavez and Evo Morales are the product of these sufferings. The people have elected them for a reason and who are we to judge who their correct president should be or how horrible they are. And if we are going to judge them, then why did we not do the same with past presidents.

And here's the difference, past presidents in Venezuela and Bolivia have bowed to the US and most of them where non-indigenous looking. These new guys came in with some backbone and we don't like that. We're only happy with the ones who kiss our ass.

6:34 PM  

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